Quote of the Day

"Setting a goal is not the main thing. It is deciding how you will go about achieving it and staying with that plan." -Tom Landry

Saturday, January 1, 2011

In acknowledgement of UCONN's women Huskies and female athletes everywhere

Douchebag Facebook status of the Day:

"Why is everyone making a big deal about UCONN's women's basketball and the streak? Women's athletics has no credibility. Me and 4 of my guys would take those Warlocks to the Cribb! Baseline!" -Private Facebook User

This lack of respect and just downright ignorance that is so prevalent in today's society, just makes me want to scream!  I was just talking the other day with a friend about the lack of camaraderie we uphold here in America, especially California!  It's really quite shameful.  No matter the level that it resides, it's just ugly.  From politics to athletics, and right down to a nod of the head to your neighbor, have a little consideration, people! 

This comment hardly deserves any attention.  Yet, the controversy summons it!  Some of these people enjoy generating a little drama, some are just that stupid, and the rest (don't let it be you) just sit around, lips sealed, sometimes even offering a little smirk to avoid the discomfort.  Don't let ignorance like this go unopposed. 

UCONN's starting Center Stefanie Dolson is a towering 6'5", pretty sure this Facebook tough guy is not going to be charging through her anytime soon.

UCONN, with a +33.8 scoring margin and a +14.6 rebounding margin over their opponents so far this season, have surpassed the 1971-1974 UCLA MENS's Basketball team winning streak record, which I'm sure was much acclaimed (deservingly so).

If the President of the United States can take a moment to acknowledge the efforts, commitment, and achievements of these women, shouldn't you?

John Wooden believed that the best basketball was being played at the collegiate level, "and it wasn't by the men," according to John's grandson, Greg Wooden (see link below)


Here's another good video showing a little lady ballin' all over some dude! Black or white, male or female.. skill is skill! Quit hatin'!

Following are a few links associated with this article:

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Local Girls Team Goes to ISF World Cup

California Impact girls posing w/ Puerto Rico's representing team 

This talented and educated group of local (Sonoma and Marin Counties) 16 and under girls has fully restored my pride and confidence in the spirit of today's youth athletics.

I'd like to make a quick side-note to acknowledge my personal pride in mentioning that my own niece is a part of this dream!  She, along with many of the other teammates launched this flight as a 12U squad in 2008.

Since that commencement, the girls have attained 14 First Place Championships, as well as four 2nd Place and four 3rd Place achievements.

This winning record contributed to the girls' appointment into the much distinguished International Softball Federation Youth World Cup in Plant City, Florida; which the girls are competing in as we type.

The Easton California Impact 16U Girls Fast-Pitch Junior Olympic softball team started the tournament off with a win over Russia 10-1 on Thursday afternoon.  They followed that up with a 10-7 win against Colorado on 12/31.  Then, as Friday drew to a close and jet-lag set in, Cal Impact suffered its first loss against Canada's Ontario Red.

They remain excited, proud, and grateful in regards to this amazing opportunity that they have worked so hard to attain; and are confidently prepared to approach the field tomorrow, to kick off 2011 opposite another of Canada's best, Regina Gold.

While I'd love to continue on with their remarkable feats on the field, I must also mention their performance off of the field.  This team is comprised of not only excellent athletes, but thriving scholars, as proven by the team's academic G.P.A. of 3.6. This is just another example of the responsibility, perseverance, and integrity that these amazing ladies possess. 

While in Florida, they have embraced, more than anything, the influential relationships that they are building with the players from all of the competing teams.  This is exemplified proudly on the team, as well as all of their personal, Facebook pages (some of which photos are attached).

*Please click the attached hyperlink to access Facebook and "Like" Easton California Impact for the opportunity to support this awe-inspiring group of devoted, talented, and intelligent young ladies.  "Liking" their page will also connect you to the most current updates on their progress in this once-in-a-lifetime tournament!

Following are a few links associated with this story:


Cal Impact w/Russia, postgame


USA and Russia


Our local Superstars!


Go NorCal!
